Your Ultimate Care Guide for a Custom-Made Vending Machine

Over the years, vending machine designs have evolved. Long ago, we had those designs that are about the size of our fridge. Today, there are those that can be conveniently installed on our table tops. Perhaps, manufacturers felt the need to make a few tweaks in their designs to meet the changing demands and needs of consumers. But while they’re constantly developing, it’s obvious that the sky’s the limit for these machines.

Sure, this vending machine evolution has benefited business owners and end users. However, we must not forget that these are machines, too. What this means for business owners is that they should understand that these machines require regular maintenance to keep them up and running in good condition.

Although it can be a challenge to take care of a vending machine, especially the custom-made vending machine designs, as long as you follow careful instructions and set schedules, there’ll be nothing to be worried about.

Timing Matters!

Unless you are confident that your custom-made vending machine is doing well, you don’t really need to service it every day. It will only be a waste of your time to go check on it on a daily basis. Simply said, it’s not really ideal.

What you should do is come up with a schedule. The goal is to figure out the perfect time to check on your machine. The least often, the better.

Ideally, if you have a new vending machine, the first and second visits should be scheduled after 2 weeks. The next intervals could be during the end or the beginning of every month. Once you get accustomed to the schedule and you know when to refill the inventory, you can then change your visit schedules.


There’s nothing difficult about this task. All you have to do is simply focus on refilling the vending machine and collect the profit. Easy peasy! But when you visit your vending machine for servicing, we suggest that you bring the items below. They might come in handy.

  • Key for the lock
  • Files for recording sales and inventory
  • Vending machine products for refill
  • Zip locks or other bags to collect the coins or to transfer expired products
  • Cleaning products
  • Paper towels for wiping the glass
  • Spare parts
  • Screwdriver, wrench, and other useful tools for repairs
  • Repairs

    Quite often, you will encounter issues with your custom-made vending machine. While some can be fixed within minutes, others are quite intense that you need to wait for days to get the machine up and running again. Of course, power outages don’t count as a problem as they’re out of your hands.

    Regardless of what’s causing the problem, know that repairs can always be done. These repairs generally start with a simple test. A qualified repair technician will take a coin, insert it into the machine, make a selection, and wait. He will make observations and take note of some important aspects.

    Did the machine take the coin? Did the machine take the bills? Did it give the correct item that was asked for? Did it give the exact change? Did the item turn over? By asking questions like these, it will be easier for the technician to find out what’s causing the problem.

    In most cases, vending machine problems are caused by a tight or loose bolts. In these situations, Vaseline and a wrench can be very helpful.

    For situations that cannot be fixed on site, technicians would usually recommend buying replacement parts. The manufacturer of the vending machine itself can provide these parts, so you need not worry.

    While your vending machine is under repair, make sure to put up a respectful yet apologetic signage to let your customers know that the machine is currently being serviced. If possible, let them know when it will be back to avoid any negative connotations.

    So, when should these repairs be scheduled? Well, you can never tell when a repair is needed. But just in case, you can just leave your contact number somewhere on the machine. This way, consumers or any concerned individual can contact you when issues arise.


    It is important to keep your vending machine looking clean and presentable as possible. After all, a clean vending machine will most likely attract more customers.

    When it comes to cleaning a vending machine, you only need a few things. Just use an all-purpose cleaner and put it in a clean spray bottle. Use it on stains and smudges that have developed in the machine over time. After that, wipe the surface with a clean cloth or paper towel.

    Once the inner part of the machine is cleaned, it’s time to clean the bottom part. If your vending machine has a bottom tray for collecting the overflowing liquid, remove it slowly and throw it properly. Next, wash the tray and let it dry before putting back.

    Don’t worry about cleaning the inside parts of the machine. If you sourced your vending machine from a reputed manufacturer, then trust that the parts are tight and secure.

    All Done!

    For business owners, caring and maintaining a custom-made vending machine may require spending lots of time, money, and energy. But when done properly, the machine itself should help generate steady income. It’s a win-win situation!

    Should you wish to know more about vending machines, feel free to call TCN Vending Australia at 1800 959 910. You may also have us create a custom-made vending machine for you! Visit us at 9/16 Bernera Rd., Prestons, NSW, 2170, and let’s discuss the deets.

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